Sunday, January 18, 2009

Symphony Night and No Headache, YAY!

Came home last night from the Symphony with only a minor headache and this is a first for me since we frequently have to change seats and I still get really sick from all the scent (toxins). Wouldn't you know that on the one evening I could have enjoyed the music, the program was BORING! Had a hard time keeping awake. The musicians were really good but the music choices weren't.

Anyway I just purchased/downloaded La Tua Simplicita , a duet by Placido Domingo and Josh Groban from Placido Domingo's new album Amore Infinito. It's beautiful beyond words. Sometimes it's hard to tell which one is singing but they both have such fantastic voices that there's no way a duet couldn't be wonderful.

1 comment:

Anna's Spot said...

I know how you feel. I am sorry that it was a boring show. For me just knowing that I survived in public without perfume is a wonderful evening.
Have a beautiful day.