Wednesday, November 12, 2008


One of my co-workers was in a really bad auto accident about a year ago and the doctors had to reattach her ankle. For several months since she came back to work she's been in excruciating pain and knew she needed either an ankle replacement or fusion and the best doctor in the area certified to do this type surgery doesn't operate at the hospital approved by our Evergreen (called Nevergreen by the health community) insurance so the insurance company wanted her to see a less qualified doctor. This stalling by the insurance went on for months while she was walking around with a cane and apparently a broken leg since that's what the surgeon found when he finally operated Monday morning. Maybe now her leg will finally heal and she'll get some relief from the constant pain.

I really believe that only the very rich get adequate health care and the rest of us just have to make do with mediocre health care or no health care at all and those who're in a position to do something about it don't feel pressured to do so because all their health care is provided at little to no costs to them. It's amazing that the US is one of the greatest countries but probably has the worst health care system of any major power and all you hear is rhetoric about changing this situation, no actual changes.

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