Thursday, September 18, 2008


We went to dinner with friends Saturday night and then to the symphony (Columbus Symphony Orchestra or CSO for short). The Eroica Trio played with the CSO and were really good. Hear them if you get a chance. Of course it seemed as if everyone there took a bath in perfume, cologne, strong-scented deodorant or hair products, or used a ton of smelly fabric softener. Maybe I have a different perspective since I have Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and the toxins emmitted by these chemical scents cause me to be ill. Had to take medication to make it through the event and by the time we got to our friend's home for after-symphony desert & coffee, I felt like a zombie. I love music and we have season tickets but boy, sometimes I wonder if it's worth the pain.

1 comment:

Anna's Spot said...

Dear Jan,
I feel for you. We don't go anywhere like that for the same reason and if we do, we are sick for a day, sometimes even a week. I have to say though I usually expect it on a night out with adults. The cross-country meet with my family was the pits. You can read it on my blog at You are outside and people in the heat and people want to smell like a chemical plant. Best of Luck Jan. I added you to my blogroll.
Have a beautiful day.