Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

Sick today. Bummer but I have MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity) and someone who's cube is close to mine wore perfume yesterday and triggered a migraine. Could definitely do without that lol. Felt a little better this evening after the toxins emmited by the scent had time to work out of my bod so hubby and I went out to dinner and to buy some cute end-of-season clothes for our youngest grandchild. She's almost two and will be going to a special school beginning in a few days and needed clothes. She's cute as a button but has some health problems that prevent her going to a regular nursery. Anyway it's late and I'm tired so that's it for now.

Nite nite,

1 comment:

Jan J said...

No comments yet so I'm wondering if anyone has read this.